
Well, hello there!

It’s been six months already, apparently! Here I am, back in England, on dry land, writing this post in complete disbelief. It hasn’t hit me yet that I’m home, and it’s been 7 days since I landed back here.

I’m super excited to be back on vacation as it means that I can once again pick up my blogging mantle and get back into the swing of things. Obviously, all the things that are new to me aren’t going to be quite as new to all of my readers out there, so I’m going to hold off posting too many style looks until I spot some new releases. I did, however, want to put a little outfit together to accompany this post, which as usual you can see above!

I don’t really have much to say without turning this blog post into a mile-long rant to share with you all what I got up to in that tin can on the high seas, but this is a fashion blog, not a journal. So I’ll save you all from that- ha!

I’m super happy to be back, and as they say; watch this space!

Goodbye (For Now)

Let us start with the bad news, shall we?

Today is going to be the last post I’m going to be doing for the next 7 months. I have finally been given a date for when I leave to work on a cruise liner as an Entertainment Staff member, and as such I shall be dedicating a lot of my time over the next 7 weeks to getting myself prepared emotionally as well as packing all my bits and pieces.

I just wanted to make this post today to thank all of you for having stuck with me over these past months whilst I found my feet and settled into blogging again. It was long overdue and I am extremely happy that my posting and images have been so well received from the Second Life community.

Now, whilst this sounds like a goodbye, it really isn’t! I shall be back. Albeit in 7 months, but I shall be back! I cannot wait to return and experience all of the fantastic releases that the creators on the grid will have dedicated hours to creating. Second Life will most definitely be a completely different place upon my return. That’s what I love about this virtual world. It’s always morphing and changing.

I shall see you all in May 2015! It’s been a blast.



Black is The Colour

I’m back with another Uber post!

I’ve been listening to The Walking Dead soundtrack today and wanted to do something high fashion but slightly grittier. The scene, from Wavie Haller of Consignment’s new shelter worked perfectly with this look, which features new items from Baiastice’s Sissy Pessoa, Maxi Gossamer, and also an old Collabor88 item from Maitreya; and in its entirety is brilliantly and lovingly created, complete with optional furniture. I noticed that Wavie included many little nods to The Walking Dead’s AMC show, which any of you die-hard fans (I like punning a lot lately) will notice if you look close enough.

Terminus, anyone?

Song of The Day

Our Time

Goodness me am I finally happy to post this. These looks and images have been the bane of my existence for the past day, hence me being slightly AWOL. Alright, that’s slightly dramatic, yes. But it’s true! The result, however, I love.

I initially wanted to share this with you all on my rezday, tomorrow (Tuesday 19th Aug) but I figured that this post doesn’t actually really have anything to do with a rezday, so yeah, you’re getting it early! Lucky you.

This post is a continuation of my music video look recreations I’ve been doing lately, but a whole lot bigger. Today you’re getting three looks in one! And, goodness me, trying to spend the early hours of the morning attempting to move myself from pose to pose and change outfits without my camera moving seemed like an impossible feat, and it had definitely defeated me until I woke up this morning and realised I have a Malt (male alt) lying around. If you aren’t much into photography you might understand the problems I had, but if not let me tell you, I nearly threw this look out the window. I’m glad I persevered.

Lily Allen has been one of my favourite artists for a long, long time. Straight laced, sarcastic and unafraid to speak her mind, her music often parodies our society and its views on body image and the like. In her recent music video for ‘Our Time’, Lily plays three, well, four (a woman dressed in a hotdog costume) women all with their own styles going out into town for a night out. They ride along in the back of a taxi, drink, get drunk and don’t pay their cab fee. It’s fab, really. Very true to a London night out.

I’ve tried my best to recreate these looks as well as I could. Slightly different to my usual set up, each style card is listed below as opposed to being at the top of the post, as I didn’t want to crowd the header image with walls of text.

I hope you like today’s post and images. Let me know if you would like me to do more challenging looks like this in the future. I certainly enjoyed it a lot!




Song of The Day

#1 – New Again

“Everything that is old becomes new again.”

I came across this quote earlier and it made me pause for a moment and think about what it actually meant to me, sparking the idea for this post today.

In our society we often shun the old for the new. In a world of gadgetry we crave that new fad until it’s lifespan comes to an end, leading the cycle to start again. This occurs in the Second Life fashion industry frequently, with creators releasing new items for seasonal events and arcades.

But what about those beautiful pieces tucked away in the deep, cobwebbed recesses of your inventory? You used to love them, so what happened? It got replaced.

The items in this post are a fusion of both new and old favourites of mine,  showcasing just how fantastic one can look without thinking, ‘I have nothing to wear’ all the time– come on now, we all do it!

Are you a person who loves their old collection of items? Do you only wear the newest pieces? Share your thoughts with me by adding a comment below.

PS. – The most important thing about this site is my readership’s experience, and so feedback on this first post, the look and setup of my blog or anything else you’d like to tell me about would be greatly appreciated. Please use the contact form below to inform me of your thoughts so I can keep generating the content that you want to see.